Cecil College Expands Opportunities for Students in Bioproduction

NORTH EAST, MD. – Bioproduction is the design, development and production of small molecules instrumental in making a wide variety of commercial products such as vaccines, antibodies, biowarfare weapons, even yeasts that produce unique beers.

There is an ever-growing demand for skilled laboratory technicians in the field of bioproduction due to a resurgence of research facilities in the United States, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is especially true in the Philadelphia to Baltimore corridor.

To meet this demand, Cecil College launched two programs to train today’s workforce in the applications necessary for graduates to step into these skilled positions. The first program is an 18 credit Lab Skills certificate that can be completed in two semesters. Students learn the skills of pipetting, molecular cloning, laboratory record keeping, precision measuring, growing cell and microbe cultures, and the ability to sterilize equipment while practicing required sterile techniques.

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