West Pharmaceutical Adds $65M and 225 Jobs to Pennsylvania-Based Manufacturing Site

While Ly­coming Coun­ty, PA is main­ly known for host­ing the Lit­tle League World Se­ries every year, a new in­vest­ment in the area will hope­ful­ly give a boost to its man­u­fac­tur­ing sec­tor.

West Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Ser­vices, a mak­er of vials, pre-fil­l­able sy­ringes and self-in­jec­tion prod­ucts, will in­vest $65 mil­lion to ex­pand its man­u­fac­tur­ing site in the town of Jer­sey Shore, PA a few miles down the road from Williamsport, PA. How­ev­er, the square footage of the ex­pan­sion and the time­line of the com­ple­tion were not im­me­di­ate­ly avail­able.

The com­pa­ny will be in­vest­ing about $60 mil­lion to ex­pand the fa­cil­i­ty as well as in­crease the com­pa­ny head­count by 225 both at the Jer­sey Shore lo­ca­tion and at the com­pa­ny’s head­quar­ters in Ex­ton, PA.

Read the full article at: endpts.com