5 Questions With Jasmyn Benavides, Senior QA/RA Medical Device Consultant, PQE Group

Jasmyn Benavides is a senior consultant for PQE Group, providing clients a strong background in Quality and Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices in the US.  She shares her experiences in this “5 Questions with BioBuzz” along with a message to be sure to meet the PQE Medical Devices team next week at FIME in Miami Beach, FL, June 19-21!

June 13, 2024

BioBuzz has been building life science communities for 14 years because we believe in the power of personal networks to unlock your career potential. For our next chapter, we’re building upon the success of our community to help solve today’s greatest challenges in hiring and career development. There is a better, more equitable way to connect talent with opportunity… and we’re building it.

1. Please introduce yourself to our audience by looking back at your education, training, and career path.

Hi there, everyone! I’m Jasmyn Benavides, a senior consultant for PQE Group, and I provide clients a strong background in Quality and Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices in the US. I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas (Go Comets!) and have spent the last five years in the medical device industry, specializing in the various aspects of Quality. I am a certificated Six Sigma (yellow belt) from ASQ and have experience in medical device manufacturing, software as a medical device, and various US regulations and international standards.

2. Can you share more about your specific role at PQE Group? What are your main goals in this role, and what’s your favorite part about your job?

A primary focus of my role at PQE Group is to ensure clients’ needs are understood and met, either through support utilizing my understanding of various regulations, standards, or laws expected to be met for their product, or by delivering documentation for submission to appropriate authorities. Working with many of PQE Group’s clients has allowed me the opportunity to learn more about the numerous advancements the industry is making to help patient populations access better health care options, as well as the ability to make a direct impact by helping clients better understand the complicated landscape that comes with new and exciting medical devices!

3. Can you tell us more about why companies should consider partnering with PQE Group and what type of services you offer to your clients?

With PQE Group’s global approach to solving a variety of different sectors in health care, there is never a shortage of professionals and experts to help clients meet their various, complex needs. Understanding the different markets and regulations that would apply to different devices can be challenging, so having a team of resources to accurately identify the most efficient strategy can help clients save on valuable time and effort getting or maintaining their product on the market. What I, as well as many of my colleagues, offer PQE Group’s clients is multifaceted: variable solutions to meet the needs of manufacturers and stakeholders, a deep knowledge of appropriate strategies to fulfill requirements set forth by various applicable authorities (regulatory, legal, etc.), strong documentation skills to support submissions or audits, and a peace of mind knowing that the “guess-work” is taken out of the equation. 

4. Consulting is becoming a popular career path, particularly for scientists and medical professionals. What, in your opinion, are the top skills needed to be successful in a life science-focused consulting role?

I think a key skill needed for folks transitioning into consulting from industry is the ability to freely adapt to fluid situations. With so many different clients, each with different backgrounds of understanding, as well as medical devices themselves, there will always be evolving environments and needs from clients. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and identifying what is and isn’t important is something I’ve learned to adopt while balancing various projects, deliverables, and timelines – all while ensuring appropriate application of requirements for numerous devices and approaches. Additionally, having the ability to clearly communicate to different stakeholders is crucial. When you’re working with international teams or clients, in different time zones and/or languages, it is important that strong communication is established to ensure critical deadlines and deliverables are not missed and to maintain strong, healthy partnerships.

5. Now for the fun question – what is the best piece of advice that you’ve ever been given?

The best advice I’ve ever received was from my college mentor during my senior year, while searching for my first job out of undergraduate school. He told me how important it would be, in any relationship I had (professional or personal) to communicate expectations clearly and early on. This has helped me tremendously in managing my relationships with managers, clients, and colleagues. It’s a piece of advice that I think everyone can benefit from, regardless of their experience or profession.

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