5 Questions With Joshua Taylor, MS, MBA, PMP, Technical Sales Specialist – Cell and Gene Therapy, BioIVT
This article is part of our 5 Questions With series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We love it because despite the consistent questioning, the answers are all unique. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think. |
1. What did you want to be when you grew up? How’d you get from there to here?
One of my earliest memories is of telling one of my preschool friends that I was going to be a
zookeeper. Not too long after that, my father got me a puppy… zookeeper was quickly pushed to the side, and I spent the next decade telling everyone who asked that I was going to be a veterinarian!
I spent my time in grade school absorbing as many science-y things as possible.
The natural world fascinated me, and I spent countless hours reading books and watching documentaries that clearly were not geared toward a tween audience. Finally, I started my first semester of undergrad and that’s when reality set in. I enjoyed the coursework of my Animal Science major and was learning a lot. But with the incredibly competitive landscape of veterinary school admissions looming in front of me, coupled with full-time enrollment while working a full-time job, my pragmatic nature took over and I decided that maybe veterinarian wasn’t the right path.
After graduation, I was ready to grab life by the reigns, but it took nearly 9 months to even secure an interview with a company in the biotech/pharma space. When that company decided to make me an offer, I jumped on it and never looked back.
I’ve spent the last 15 years absorbing knowledge and continuing to learn within the industry. My first
few positions were focused solely on cell culture – long days, strict processing requirements, an
emphasis on aseptic technique, and LOTS of weird smells. From there I branched into the world of biospecimens and tissue culture, using my cell culture work to bridge the gap between research and reality, and working closely with clients to (for better or worse) expand upon their ideas while maintaining realistic expectations.
Around a year into the pandemic, I decided to make a change, moving out of the lab and into a Business Development role that was solely client-facing. The shift in my day-to-day was immediately noticeable, and the time that I had previously spent working in a laboratory environment has proven to be an incredible asset.
Not only can I offer my clients products/services aimed at helping them to reach their goals, but I also understand their pain points, and have experienced many of those same pain points firsthand. This ability to connect with them on what matters has been essential for my success since making the shift, and I continue to build upon those relationships every day.
2. How are you helping to build a more connected community?
BioBuzz’s mission is simple: to be more connected. Our regionally-focused storytelling, programs, events and experiences create, connect and amplify impact across the life science workforce in growing biohubs. We vibe with people who value community and connection like us. We’d love for you to share how you’re building a more connected community… and any support that you need from our community to continue to accomplish this mission.
For better or worse, I try to stay relatively active on social media, both professional and personal. I’ve found LinkedIn to be an incredible resource for my BD outreach, and I utilize the platform in a number of different ways. It’s not only a helpful way to meet new people, but also a great tool to reconnect with old colleagues who have moved on to bigger and better things.
I also try to stay connected and involved with the next generation of people that have recently moved into the industry. In fact, one of my former interns has become a very close friend, and we speak to each other almost every day! Many of the most important things that I have learned in this industry have come to me through a series of trial-and-error, and if I can help someone avoid those mistakes while on their own path, I’m happy to help. If there’s anyone out there in BioBuzz world who’s looking for some guidance or direction, feel free to reach out!
3. What are you currently buzzing about?
My husband recently put some effort into redecorating our back balcony, and now that the summer
heat finally seems to be on hiatus, I’m honestly a bit obsessed. It’s the perfect spot to relax at the end of a long day, have a drink, listen to music, read a book, and just enjoy the sights and sounds of the city.
On a more professional note, I recently accepted a position with BioIVT that’s really going to allow me to harness the skills and knowledge that I’ve gained in both my technical and BD careers. With a specific focus on biospecimen needs within the Cell and Gene Therapy space, I’m super excited to continue my learning journey while being actively involved in some of the most innovative work within our industry.
And finally, I’m excited for all the upcoming industry events that are scheduled for this fall! People have (hopefully) had a chance to recharge and regroup over the summer, and I can’t wait to see everyone out and about.
4. If you could travel back in time – what early career advice would you give yourself?
OR What career advice would you shout from the rooftops now?
Hmmm. A few pieces of advice…
- Continue learning. Even on the topics that you don’t find particularly interesting. You never know when they might come in handy.
- If someone is taking the time out of their day to offer you some assistance, accept it. It can be incredibly difficult to admit that you need help, and sometimes you get so deep in the weeds that you don’t even realize you’re in trouble.
- Keep track of your rolodex. Your lunch friends from college could be doing incredible things today.
- Be okay with being uncomfortable. Try new foods. Travel to new places. Meet new people. Ask dumb questions.
- It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s not okay to try and cover them up. Somebody always finds out.
- Don’t forget to chill out and have a little fun. Life is too serious to be taken so seriously.
5. Fun Question: You recently saw Blue Beetle. If you could be any superhero (existing or one you make up), who would it be and why?
I’m tempted to do a real deep dive on this one and fully harness my nerd card, but for the sake of time and simplicity, let’s just go with any hero that has the power of Teleportation. I really enjoy traveling. But the time and effort it takes to get from here to there can sometimes be a real headache. If there was a way to just remove all of that from the equation, and instantly bamf to wherever I needed to be, that would be pretty incredible.
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BioBuzz is a community led, experience focused, biotech and life sciences media and events company. BioBuzz highlights regional breaking news, industry professionals, jobs, events, and resources for business and career growth. Their weekly newsletter is subscribed to by thousands in the BioHealth Capital Region and Greater Philadelphia as the go-to for industry updates.