5 Questions with Kimberlee Cirillo, Director of Business Development at PROTECS

This article is part of our 5 Questions With series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We love it because despite the consistent questioning, the answers are all unique. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think.

1. What did you want to be when you grow up? How’d you get from there to here?

Since I was a little kid, I always wanted to be an entrepreneur and most importantly, I wanted to enjoy my job.

I remember hearing others say they hated going to work. This always perplexed me. I was confused at why someone would be in a line of work they hated, especially, when it’s a huge component of their life. I made a promise to myself to work extremely hard so that I could find a career I love and never feel stuck.

And I did just that. Looking back at my journey from high school through college and graduate school, makes me feel a bit exhausted as I never took my foot off the gas. However, I believe my go-getter personality and drive to success is what I owe much of my achievement. I wasn’t a typical college student. I started classes at 8 am, went to work between day and night classes, and wrapped up my day with homework and field hockey practice or the gym. I kept my weekdays extremely productive so I had some time built-in on the weekends to see family and friends and work on starting my own company.

I have that type-A personality that seemed to emerge in middle school. My grades were always a priority to me, no matter how busy my schedule was with sports and after-school activities. Fortunately, my good grades in high school paid off as I got a full academic scholarship to college where I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship in 2014 from Rowan University. I then began a graduate assistantship at the Rohrer College of Business at Rowan University and obtained a Master of Arts in Public Relations in 2016. This is where I found my passion for public relations and marketing. Upon graduation, I  received the Donald Bagin Graduate Public Relations Medallion for superior academic performance in graduate classes, outstanding University and community service, and a strong representation with outside professionals.

My education is so valuable to me and directly applies to my career. However, I don’t want to leave out the importance of internships and mentors! I worked two internships without pay while in college, and although I may have lost money at the time, when taking into consideration the 2-hour commutes, those experiences and what I learned are priceless. I was very fortunate to learn the power of mentorship at a young age. I am forever thankful to all the amazing mentors I had throughout college and early in my career and to the mentors I have today.

As I look back to my childhood, I clearly remember the joy I found in putting things together without reading the directions from the box. I learned so much more from figuring it out on my own and liked the challenge of problem-solving. It appears I enjoyed this challenge through college and graduate school, especially for calculus and my thesis, and I also enjoy it now in my career. I believe in continually raising the bar. Once I solve a problem or achieve a goal, it’s on to the next!

My career path started out focused solely on marketing. I quickly learned that marketing is much more than the deliverables; proposals, RFIs, press releases, graphic design, advertising, and events. Effective marketing becomes the face and voice of a company. As I grew professionally, I moved into marketing and communications management and soon found a way to combine my educational background in public relations with my professional marketing background. This killer combo is business development and it allows me to utilize my entrepreneurial mindset. I often feel as though business development found me. 

Today, as the Director of Business Development for PROTECS, I’m very fortunate to work alongside two extremely influential and intelligent leaders, Chris DiPaolo, CEO & President, and Jay McKenna, Vice President, and a team of impressively talented professionals with endless opportunities for mentorship. Being led by robust, engineering-trained professionals, PROTECS holds expertise in real estate, architecture, engineering, design, and project and construction management. We are a truly collaborative team that brings the best of the best around the table at the start of a project.

2. How are you helping to build a more connected community?

BioBuzz’s mission is simple: to be more connected. Our regionally-focused storytelling, programs, events and experiences create, connect and amplify impact across the life science workforce in growing biohubs. We vibe with people who value community and connection like us. We’d love for you to share how you’re building a more connected community… and any support that you need from our community to continue to accomplish this mission.  

I think to be successful, your career should be rooted in the BIG picture.

For example, PROTECS designs and builds facilities for the life sciences and hi-tech regulated markets to enable organizations to innovate, improve lives, and develop cures. My BIG picture is that I’m passionate about contributing to these markets and helping those that need us most. Without spaces and facilities, patients cannot get the medicines or cures they need. I’m responsible for continually being connected to our valued clients, prospective clients, partners, and vendors. These connections help build a stronger community with the goal of launching innovation forward. What I often tell our community is “We’re all in this together.”

To further build a more connected life sciences community, I volunteer as Vice Chair, Communications on the Leadership Committee for the Women In Bio Philadelphia-Metro Chapter. The WIB-Philadelphia Metro chapter is an organization of professionals actively committed to promoting careers, leadership, and entrepreneurship of women in the life sciences in the Philadelphia tri-state area.

3. What are you currently buzzing about? Anything and everything…  

You can find me buzzing around all things life sciences and advanced tech to continue making connections and extending our network for PROTECS. I like to keep my weeks packed full of productivity and when I’m not in the office, I love seeing familiar faces and also creating new mutually beneficial relationships. We work with many different clients, partners, and vendors, and we value all of our relationships.

When I’m not working, I’m working. Maybe I was just born this way or maybe it’s because I’m a Gemini, but you can most likely find me working on some sort of project on the weekends. In my spare time, I’m busy running a photography business and a 501(c)(3) non-profit that fundraises for children with serious illnesses through artwork, called Canvas Cures. Canvas Cures is currently partnered with Shriners Hospital of Philadelphia and The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey.

I also love spending quality time with my fiancé, family and friends, being outdoors as much as possible, and playing with our very well loved golden retriever. 

4. If you could travel back in time – what early career advice would you give yourself?

Good things take time. When starting out in my career, I wanted to have my entire career path mapped out right away. However, I learned that good things really do take time and hard work never goes unnoticed. 

A few tips would be:

  • Work hard day-in, day-out
  • Stay focused on your goals and don’t let others distract or discourage you
  • Don’t be scared to ask questions
  • Walk the talk
  • Never stop learning (long commutes are perfect for audiobooks)
  • Passion is imperative to success 
  • Seek feedback so you can continue growing
  • Take a moment to pause and reset when needed 
  • “You will be what you decide to be, nothing less and nothing more” (I had this quote on a post-it and carried it with me from place-to-place for years)

5. FUN question. What’s an unusual skill or something you’d like to master?

I’ve never been outside of the Country. I’d love to travel to Italy and Greece and learn a new language. I’m open to travel suggestions!