5 Questions with Matteo Pozzi, Automation Engineering Director, PQE Group

Learn all about Matteo Pozzi, Automation Engineering Director at PQE Group, and how his work revolutionizes equipment and OT systems connectivity, enhancing AI, ML, and data analysis!

September 19, 2024

This article is part of our 5 Questions With series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We love it because despite the consistent questioning, the answers are all unique. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think.

1) Please introduce yourself to our audience by looking back at your education, training, and career path.

I am Italian and live in Milan, Italy. After my studies at Politecnico di Milano in electronics/industrial automation, I joined a major Italian automation system integrator, working in both national and international markets. This job enabled me to learn state-of-the-art automation technologies, as I was responsible for taking care of all steps required in delivering an industrial automation solution and, as I spent a relatively long period abroad working on commissioning activities, I obtained good on-field training as well as self-confidence in problem-solving and meeting deadlines.

In the late 1990’s, my attention became more and more focused on the upcoming, and rapidly- growing, internet technologies, so I changed to a small, fast-growing “Internet company,” dealing with emerging IT and WEB/internet technologies, which contributed substantially to my industrial automation knowledge. 

When the time came to return to this industry, I had the opportunity to join one of the large international players in the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management (EPCM) market. Since 2003, I have been working in the pharmaceutical industry, covering all aspects of IT/OT, digitalization, and automation parts, and dealing with numerous projects that include design, budget & planning, implementation, management, commissioning, and validation. Now, more than 20 years have passed and my attention is still captured by new technologies and upcoming opportunities, which may bring added value to clients, result in better use of resources and make safer and better working conditions and environments.

I joined PQE Group two years ago, bringing my background and experience to this modern and dynamic global, fast-moving company that delivers quality and services and is 100% focused on the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. In my role, I am responsible for a worldwide business line delivering Automation and Digitalization consultancy and services.

2) Can you share more about your specific role at PQE Group? What are your main goals in this role, and what’s your favorite part about your job?

As mentioned, at PQE Group I am responsible for the Automation and Digitalization business line on a global basis. Our proposed services and consultancies cover all the steps of automation, digitalization, and IT/OT projects for the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries. This includes business process analysis and design of solutions, market

investigation and solution selection, budgeting and planning, implementation, and PMO, testing of solutions and integrations, commissioning, and CSV/validation. A fast-growing group of skilled people with Automation, IT, and OT backgrounds is backfilled by vast PQE Group in-house knowledge of the complete landscape of applications, systems, and equipment/devices typically running in pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing companies. PQE Group’s offering of these services, known worldwide as CSV and validation/qualification, with design, consultancy, and technical PMO capabilities, to its clients, is comprehensive, complete, and thorough. 

The exciting part of this role, for me, is the possibility to ride the top edge of technology, scanning the market for updated and advanced technological solutions, and supporting clients to best fit their needs with a good mix of systems and projects!

3) Can you tell us more about why companies should consider partnering with PQE Group and what type of services you offer to your clients?

PQE Group has strong roots in the pharmaceutical and medical device environment: 100% of its business is there. Established more than 25 years ago, and comprised of 2000 people with strong knowledge and experience in quality, rules, and regulation in the industry, PQE Group a good choice for a partner, from pharma clients’ perspective. 

PQE Group can understand client’s needs and integrate directly into a client’s structure, as we are talking the same language; we understand and know critical topics and pain points, we already have encountered, managed, and solved many issues when working on projects with many diverse clients, and we bring all this experience to excel in meeting our client’s needs. 

Provided services and consultancies embrace the complete panorama of applications and systems typical for pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing companies, beginning with the IT and OT infrastructure, and spanning from control systems (such as PLC, SCADA, DCS) to MES, data historians, scheduling systems, logistic automation, process controls, visualization and optimization, and connection to ERP and corporate systems. OT Cybersecurity, data engineering (which data is needed, which is critical, how to read and collect data from the shop- floor, how to organize and analyze it, which results and KPI to calculate, and how to maintain data integrity across the entire process), and AI/ML techniques applications are also part of PQE Group’s competencies. 

Regarding the above topics, PQE Group provides support and executes a project throughout its entire lifecycle. This includes discussing and establishing a good strategy, drafting user requirements, designing processes and business workflows; preparing budgets and project plans; selecting the best technical solution; managing the building and integration phases (managing external partners or utilizing system integration skills); providing the right PMOs to maintain and follow-up with the project — to delivering the necessary training, executing testing, CSV, and validation activities

4) Consulting is becoming a popular career path, particularly for scientists and medical professionals. What, in your opinion, are the top skills needed to be successful in a life science-focused consulting role?

Talking about complex digital systems and infrastructures, one must have strong technical knowledge; when working in a highly regulated pharmaceutical environment, strong regulatory knowledge is critical. PQE Group is proud to provide such complete profiles. Moreover, the ability to enter and coordinate with complex client organizations and structures, taking care of assigned roles and responsibilities, is important. The ability to track project status, understand weak points, anticipate pain points, and escalate as needed completes the profile of a good consultant in the pharma and medical device industries. The above mechanisms and skills are all part of the PQE Group’s structure and are always maintained and continuously developed.

5) What is the best piece of advice that you’ve ever been given?

Once someone told me: “If you are not able to express something, you still are not getting the topic.” I’ve always found this to be really true. Moreover, if you can explain to a child, then you are owning the topic!