5 Questions With Samantha Petros, Biologist, Axle Informatics

Samantha Petros is a Biologist at Axle Informatics and a BioBuzz Ambassador of Buzz. In her 5 Questions, she shares her journey from film major to NIH scientist, her passion for community building, and her excitement about malaria research.

This article is part of our 5 Questions With series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We love it because despite the consistent questioning, the answers are all unique. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think.

1. What did you want to be when you grow up? How’d you get from there to here? 

I initially pursued my passion for storytelling and creativity as a film major at Montgomery College. However, during my academic journey, I discovered a fascination for the sciences after taking an Intro to Virology course. Motivated by this curiosity, I transitioned to a scientific path, where I finished my A.A.S at MC and transferred to UMBC to better my education and training. This major shift allowed me to combine my analytical mindset with a commitment to understanding and solving complex problems, ultimately leading me to where I am today at the NIH, working on discovering antibodies against Malaria infection. 

2. How are you helping to build a more connected community? 

In my transition from a film major to a scientist, I’ve come to understand the importance of fostering connection and community through general understanding and storytelling. I strive to create content that not only communicates scientific advancements but also inspires curiosity and collaboration within the community. After joining Biobuzz, I realized I could contribute to the growth and impact of the life sciences workforce, creating a culture that values shared knowledge and mutual support across various disciplines.

3. What are currently buzzing about? Anything and everything…   

I’m currently buzzing about the pursuit to find a cure for Malaria or an improvement to the current existing vaccine. I’ve been excited to go to work every day and continue this pursuit with a passion. 

4. If you could travel back in time – what early career advice would you give yourself?  

Be patient and enjoy the simpler times. I was very eager to finish school and be done with my studies, but I wish I had taken it a little slower now that I’m done! The days move by so fast when you’re busy at work and forget to take time for the little things. 

5. FUN question. We know you dabble in graphic design… if you were a work of art, art form, or design, what would you be? 

I would like to be a sculpture medium on a plaque with my coworkers after discovering the cure for malaria!