Montgomery College Biotech Bootcamp Series: Biotech Basics for English Language Learners Transforming Careers and Driving Employment in Maryland

September 4, 2024

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A recent BioTrain Biotech Bootcamp offering – Biotech Basics for English Language Learners -held at Montgomery College (MC) has, again, profoundly impacted participant careers while supporting the biotechnology industry. Designed to bridge workforce gaps and equip individuals with essential skills, BioTrain Bootcamp training programs have achieved remarkable success in elevating career opportunities and enhancing the employability of every participant. BioTrain Bootcamps offer a uniquely comprehensive and accessible approach rapid workforce training different from other training programs. Here’s what makes it distinctive: 

Program Overview: 136-hour in total, the 8-week Biotech Bootcamp offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes hands-on biotech training English language and math skills development, and Career Readiness modules. Participants take part in rigorous training in biotechnology protocols that emphasize sanitization and sterilization procedures, Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), and Good Documentation Practices (GDP). Importantly, the program is designed to be accessible to individuals with little or no prior biotechnology experience, and participation was free of charge thanks to funding received by Montgomery County. 

Success Stories and Employment Outcomes: Post-bootcamp employment in the biotech industry is one metric used to gauge bootcamp success.   An impressive employment outcome showed that graduates 80% found employment in industry within three weeks of completing the bootcamp and 10% decided to enter the Biotechnology Program at MC full-time. This level of success highlights the effectiveness of the bootcamp model in preparing the future biotechnology workforce with the in-demand skills, knowledge, and confidence to begin and thrive in a biotech career.

Biotech Basics Bootcamp graduates have shared their positive experiences:

  • “My background was not from science and I have a deep passion to study about science and biotechnology and by which [sic this] program I was able to fulfill my dreams.”
  • “I hold a master’s degree in bioprocess technology. During this bootcamp process, I realized that I was missing key skills like GLP, good documentation, practices and quality control which are very much essential for working in biotech industry. One of the highlights for me was to interact interactive hands-on experience we gained”. 
  • “I came to America almost 10 months. I was looking for a job. After two months training, I applied for a lab tech job. I love, Montgomery College.”
  • “The bootcamp was a valuable learning experience and a significant contribution to my knowledge in biotech.”

Most BioTrain bootcamp graduates from prior sessions/courses continue to excel in industry and report positive career advancements, citing the bootcamp as a pivotal factor in their job search and career development. Emphasis on practical skill training, industry-specific terminology, and real-world applications has proven instrumental in helping participants stand out in a competitive job market. 

Dr. Meena Chandok, BioTrain Program Director, emphasizes the broader impact of the bootcamp: “Investing in people and their skills is the key to unlocking innovation and growth. Our Biotech Bootcamp is not just about training; it’s about transforming lives and shaping the future of biotechnology.”

Community Impact: Diversity and inclusion are two attributes valued by Montgomery College. Montgomery College’s Adult ESOL & Basic Skills for College and Careers (AEBSCC) unit partnered with our state-recognized BioTrain Program to successfully supported immigrants and individuals with limited English proficiency. Participants practiced crucial English language skills blended with the language of biotechnology, enhancing their ability to communicate effectively in professional settings. This supportive environment, resulting from this collaborative effort between AEBSCC and BioTrain program instructors and staff fosters both the personal and the professional growth of participants while helping to diversify the biotechnology workforce.

Dr. Donna Kinerney, Dean of Community Education & Alternative Pathways, emphasizes, “This pilot collaboration between the Adult ESOL & Basic Skills unit and BioTrain has been an exciting opportunity for us to build out an education pathway that serves both our community members who might not otherwise engage in this field and our local employers who have unmet workforce needs.  Our students come to us with high levels of motivation but needing English language skills development, career readiness and employment, and social service support in order to meet their personal and professional goals. Our unit understands how to best address these needs while our partners in Biotech understand the skills that the local industry expects.  This combination of comprehensive training and support is a win-win and together we are thrilled to see our students move ahead further and faster.”

The bootcamp not only benefits the individual participant but also contributes to addressing the needs of the biotechnology workforce. Montgomery College’s BioTrain program is playing a crucial role in filling skill gaps and supporting the growth of the local and regional biotech sectors through its targeted trainings and supportive strategies. 

Nicanor Aquino, Operations Lab Support Manager at MilliporeSigma, highlights the value of the partnership, “The hands-on training and practical experience provided by the program are precisely what we need to fill essential positions in our sector. We deeply appreciate our collaboration with Montgomery College and the positive influence it has on the biotechnology industry.  With many of the students starting at MilliporeSigma as lab technicians, I am confident in their ability to perform well, as, I believe, they are well-prepared to handle the tasks ahead.”

Looking Ahead: Montgomery College remains committed to expanding its training opportunities to meet the evolving needs industry. An additional biotechnology training space serving the south and east communities of Montgomery County and coinciding with the opening of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Math and Science building on the Takoma Park/ Silver Spring campus becomes available this fall.  With this addition, the College is positioned to expand the mission of delivering high-quality education and training opportunities to an untapped pool of future biotechnology workers.

Dr. James Sniezek, Dean of Instruction for the Chemical, Biological, and Biotechnology areas of the College, “is proud that Montgomery College has committed to meeting the workforce and training needs of industry at every level. Our biotechnology program is tailored to ensure that the knowledge and technical skills required to flourish in an evolving industry are learned.  Multiple industry advisory committees ensure our curriculum remains relevant. Our curriculum undergoes a twice-yearly review and update.  It is a living curriculum; not static like that of some training programs. Courses and workshop are taught by experts in the field. No one person teaches every workshop.  Our facility is unparalleled in terms of equipment. Seven laboratories dedicated to specific techniques and supported by ample equipment ensures that everybody learns and practices on state-of-the-art instrumentation.  Small class sizes ensure that everybody receives an opportunity to learn, practice and hone their skills.  All have access to the instructor or trainer. The extensive support of the College from Montgomery County, the State of Maryland, and our industry partners ensures that opportunities to grow a knowledgeable biotechnology workforce will continue.”

Montgomery College, a leader in workforce education and preparedness plans to continue its efforts to empower individuals and contribute to the growth and advancement of the biotechnology field. Ensuring that our community remains at the forefront of innovation and excellence is our objective! 

For more details about our biotechnology programs
