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BioHealth Capital
Region Hub

Maryland, Washington, D.C., Northern Virginia

Hub Sponsor

Ranked as a Top 3 U.S. Biopharma Cluster in 2023 by Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), the BioHealth Capital Region (BHCR) is a mega-region that encompasses Baltimore, Frederick, Montgomery County, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC. Dive into these individual markets and stay in the know with the latest information, resources, and events across the region as a member of BioBuzz. Join our life sciences community.


Thriving Startups


Top Employers

Hire Top Talent In the Region

Build your team today. Hire top talent on demand, for a fraction of the cost. Easily access the right talent through vetted skills and experience.

Grow Your Career in the Region

Build your profile today and start matching with opportunities tomorrow – at no cost to you. Join our life science talent community to match with part-time, project, contract, and full-time work within the industry.


Grow Here

Life science companies need a robust scientific and technical community behind them. In the BioHealth Capital Region we call that community our innovation ecosystem, and it’s unlike anything else you’ll find in the U.S. What makes our ecosystem so special? Well, renowned universities, a prepared scientific workforce, and initiatives designed to bolster innovation and success in life sciences to start. 


Federal obligations for R&D

Maryland ranks first among the states in federal obligations for research and development ($24.5 billion), and first on a per capita basis.

National Science Foundation and U.S. Bureau of the Census; ranking excludes Washington, DC., 2020.


Federal labs than any other state

Maryland is home to 74 federal laboratories, more than twice as many as any other state.

Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer, 2020.​


NIH R&D awards

Maryland ranks first in Natio​nal Institutes of Health (NIH) research and development contract awards ($1.34 billion).

National Institutes of Health, FY 2023.


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