Buzzin’ Brood: Student Spotlight, Harrison Ferachi, J.D. Law

Harrison Ferachi, a Juris Doctor candidate at American University Washington College of Law, hails from Washington, D.C., and is currently interning as a BARDA Alliance Intern at Johnson & Johnson Innovation—JLABS. This summer, he will be working with J&J’s JLABS BLUE KNIGHT™ Initiative. He is also actively involved in the Health Law & Policy Brief, Lambda Law Society, Alternate Dispute Resolution Honors Society, and the DC Aquatics Club.

August 16, 2024

This article is part of our Buzzin’ Brood Student Spotlight series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We are thrilled to spotlight the next generation of industry. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think and let us know if you have a student or intern you’d like us to feature.

How did you get here?

I would say it has been a non-linear journey. Originally being in Louisiana, I became heavily interested in public health through an honors research project that I completed to learn more about the state of policy for LGBTQ+ students in Louisiana. 

Upon moving to American University for my undergraduate studies, I took an introductory public health course and immediately added it as a second-major. It was not until the COVID-19 pandemic, my internship with the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, and my Master’s program (all at the same time) that I realized I wanted to a gain an even finer understanding of how our health system works (and how it can improve). Law school was the next step.

While at the American University Washington College of Law, I have had the awesome opportunities of joining the negotiations competition team, health-law brief (HLPB), and LGBTQ+ student organization. Additionally, interning with D.C. Health and the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee provided a great foundation for my next chapter: working with Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS! 

During a class break, one of my peers encouraged me to apply for the BARDA Alliance Internship. After doing my preliminary research on BLUE KNIGHT™, I was captivated by its mission and growth since its establishment four years ago. Within the last three months, I had the pleasure of traveling with our team to San Diego for the 2024 BLUE KNIGHT™ Symposium and the BIO International Convention, working with others to improve our workflow processes, and making invaluable connections.

What is currently blowing your mind right now?

  • The intersection between digital privacy and direct-to-consumer telehealth.
  • The use of digital therapeutics for mental health treatment.
  • The role of AI and big data (and privacy implications) in furthering public health programs.
  • Bespoke drug therapies for rare genetic diseases.

If you could explain yourself right now in only emojis, what would those be?

If you could travel into the future…what does your LinkedIn Headline say?

Harrison Ferachi – Health Care Compliance and Privacy Regulatory Specialist

Given that I am currently interested the Compliance, Regulatory, and Privacy functions of healthcare systems and biotech companies, I would like to be in a role where I am using my law education to ensure that we are prioritizing innovation and advancement while making sure that we have systems in place to remain compliant with current laws and guidance. Our healthcare regulatory landscape is always changing, and I want to use the experience and education I have gained to help healthcare actors make informed, compliant, and innovative decisions.

Fun question – What is your favorite quote, why?

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney

When I was much younger, this quote appeared at the end of an animated movie surrounding a young inventor – it really spoke to me at eight years old, and it does still today. To me, it speaks to the importance of learning and pursuing new things that intrigue us. Additionally, it speaks to the importance of continuing, even when things get tough.