Buzzin’ Brood: Student Spotlight, Sarah Shah, HS

Get to know Sarah Shah, from Frederick, MD, is a student at Urbana High School, Class of 2025. She is actively involved in the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter and Key Club, a community service organization. Sarah is also the founder and co-captain of Urbana Naach, her school’s South-Asian inspired dance team, and competes in trivia competitions as part of the school’s Academic Team.

August 28, 2024

This article is part of our Buzzin’ Brood Student Spotlight series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We are thrilled to spotlight the next generation of industry. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think and let us know if you have a student or intern you’d like us to feature.

How did you get here?

Growing up surrounded by science, with both my parents being researchers and my older sister studying medicine, I slowly became interested in life science. This passion was reinforced through my AP Biology course I took this past year, which highlighted the complexities and continually evolving nature of the field. Simultaneously inspired by the entrepreneurial startups showcased on Shark Tank, I have always been intrigued by the dynamic world of business and public speaking. This led me to seek opportunities that would allow me to combine these interests.

When I started researching internships in my junior year, a position as a Marketing Intern at the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF) seemed to be just the right fit for me. MSCRF is an organization which promotes stem cell research by providing grants and loans to organizations operating in Maryland. I joined the MSCRF team in June, and doing so has allowed me to merge my interests of business and life science, all while getting a glimpse into the professional world where business and science intersect. 

Two of my primary responsibilities at MSCRF are outreach and communication. This entails spreading awareness of our funding opportunities, fostering opportunities for collaboration, managing our presence on LinkedIn and updating the stem cell community on our activities through tools like social media, our newsletter, and press releases. My work at MSCRF this summer has provided me with valuable insights into the professional world, reinforcing my decision to pursue a career that combines the diverse yet complementary fields of business and life science.

What is currently blowing your mind right now? 

It’s hard to believe that I am about to be a senior in high school. These past four years have flown by, but I am excited to enjoy one final year!

If you could explain yourself right now in only emojis, what would those be? 

If you could travel into the future… what does your LinkedIn Headline say?

CEO of *insert my future life science company* | Founder *insert my future dance studio*  

What is your favorite quote and why?

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” —Winston Churchill

I find this quote incredibly empowering and uplifting. I am a firm believer in the vital importance of being humble, no matter the level of success one can attain. Churchill reminds us of this fact by stating “success is not final” and rather must be maintained. This quote also underscores the value of resilience in overcoming failure, while stressing the importance of perseverance in determining one’s character during times of difficulty. Churchill’s words serve as great motivation for me as I embark on my academic journey next year.