Buzzin’ Brood: Student Spotlight, Sherin Feno Kumaresan, M.S. Engineering Management

Sherin Feno Kumaresan from Ellicott City, Maryland, is a Fall 2023 cohort member pursuing a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, an M.S. in Engineering Management, and an MPS in Data Science. He is actively involved in the Product Management Club and Chess Club and is currently interning as a Business Scientific Analyst at the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF).

July 30, 2024

This article is part of our Buzzin’ Brood Student Spotlight series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We are thrilled to spotlight the next generation of industry. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think and let us know if you have a student or intern you’d like us to feature.

How did you get here?

My name is Sherin Feno Kumaresan, and I began my journey by graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. After completing my degree, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, causing widespread closures of businesses and organizations. During this challenging period, I recognized the opportunity to enhance my skills, so I decided to upskill myself by learning various skills online.

Eventually, I secured a position as a Data Analyst at a startup near my home. In this role, I gained experience in inventory management, sales data projection, and other analytical tasks. Alongside this, I launched my first startup, an online company that provided custom-printed clothing. Through this venture, I learned how to manage a startup, market products, receive and act on customer feedback, and continually improve our offerings. However, I encountered significant obstacles that ultimately led me to shut down the company.

This experience motivated me to seek further education in business and management. I was accepted into the Master’s program in Engineering Management with a Data Science pathway at UMBC. Moving to a new country, away from my family and friends, presented numerous challenges. However, I believe that facing challenges is a sign that I am about to learn something new that will help me become the best version of myself. Embracing this mindset, I learned to face challenges head-on and manage my emotions effectively.

In the spring of 2024, I made a concerted effort to connect with people asking for internship opportunities. This proactive approach led to a conversation with my supervisor Ben from the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF), resulting in my current position as a Business Scientific Analyst Intern at MSCRF.

At the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF), my responsibilities included creating metrics, extracting data from reports submitted by awardees and creating a database. This data encompassed research publications, patents, conference presentations, startups created, and follow-on funding. The role required a high level of responsibility due to the confidential nature of the reports. I collected qualitative data and converted it into quantitative data, subsequently creating visualizations. Additionally, I used Microsoft Forms to collect missing data from awardees. Overall, it was a wonderful and enriching experience.

What is currently blowing your mind right now? 

What blows my mind now is the rapidly evolving field of Artificial Intelligence. It seems like there are new developments every day, with companies utilizing these technologies and new startups emerging in this space. I often wonder what the AI landscape will look like in ten years and how laws will evolve to protect people’s privacy in this ever-changing environment.

If you could explain yourself right now in only emojis, what would those be? 

If you could travel into the future… what does your LinkedIn Headline say?

CEO @my_future_company solving complex world problems, Motivational Speaker, Forbes, Author of “Indian Street to Wall Street”, Unicorn Builder. 

What is your favorite quote and why? 

“The Universe Always Falls in Love With a Stubborn Heart” by J.M. Storm.

I always look up to this quote whenever I feel stuck in life, when I doubt whether I am good enough to pursue a big dream, or when I consider giving up and entering the rat race. This quote reminds me to remain steadfast, believing that even in the face of failure, persistence can bend the universe to grant what I need.