During this hands-on 3-D cell culturing workshop, the researcher will learn how to successfully culture primary cells, cancer cells, and epithelial cells in a 3-D format using 3-D cell culture [….]
Flow Cytometry: Principles and Methods
Published on :This four day program is ideal for those who are looking for an in-depth, hands-on introduction to Flow Cytometry. The instructors will focus on a broad spectrum of flow cytometric [….]
Single Cell RNA-Seq
Published on :This in-depth lecture and hands-on laboratory workshop (wet lab & in silica) is ideal for those research and bench scientists who are interested in a comprehensive introduction to single cell [….]
R for Research Scientists
Published on :‘R’ is a popular statistics software program used widely in various research fields. Team taught by active researchers, this two day lecture and hands-on computer based laboratory workshop is designed [….]
Robust Investment in Greater Philadelphia Region’s Cell and Gene Therapy Sector Continued in the First Quarter of 2021
Published on :Robust Investment in Greater Philadelphia Region’s Cell and Gene Therapy Sector Continued in the First Quarter of 2021 PHILADELPHIA (April 8, 2021) – The robust venture capital funding the Greater [….]
5 Questions with Danielle Kalkofen, Quality Control Scientist, Vigene Biosciences
Published on :Danielle Kalkofen is a molecular cell biologist and biochemist with 15 years of industry and academic experience. In 2015, she turned her focus to biological assay development, leading cross-functional teams to develop, validate, and commercialize new pathogen detection assay products.
5 Questions with Mark Nardone, PMP, Director, Bio-Trac®
Published on :Mark Nardone is Director and Co-Founder of Bio-Trac®, a biotechnology training program that has served the scientific community for over 37 years, providing hands-on training workshops, designed by active researchers for research scientists, that focus on the latest relevant techniques that are necessary for laboratory research.
5 Questions with Stephen M. Jackson, Staff Scientist – Immunology, ABL, Inc.
Published on :Born and raised in gang-infested South Central Los Angeles, I was surrounded by compassionate and risk-taking individuals who recognized and fertilized my love, talent, and academic prowess. Collectively my tribe, for it takes one to raise one, helped provide me with unimaginable opportunities to excel and continue the fight for an abundant life through health, social awareness, and artistic expression. I, a Man who is also Bold and Black, am a product of their courage, compassion, endurance, vision, and love – Stephen M. Jackson, PhD
In Conversation with Dr. David Mosser, Chair of the Maryland Stem Cell Research Commission
Published on :Welcome back to In Conversation, a series of conversations with thought leaders and disruptors in the BioHealth Capital Region. This week we’re sitting down with Dr. David Mosser, Professor of [….]