5 Questions With Arijit Deb, Sr. Manager, CQV/CSV and Data Integrity, Senior Associate Partner, PQE Group

PQE Group now has a team in New Jersey! Arijit Deb is Sr. Manager, CQV/CSV and Data Integrity and a Senior Associate Partner with PQE Group. He joins Aayush Shah and other PQE Group professionals, who together will work to expand the company’s presence in the NY/NJ/PA region. Here, Arijit shares the story of his career and role with PQE Group as he answers “5 Questions with BioBuzz”.

May 22, 2024

This article is part of our 5 Questions With series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We love it because despite the consistent questioning, the answers are all unique. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think.

1. Please introduce yourself to our audience by looking back at your education, training, and career path.

Hello everyone, I’m Arijit Deb. My educational journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) Vellore, where I developed a strong foundation in manufacturing processes and fundamental process engineering. My academic experience was enriched by participating in research projects focused on developing efficient filtration processes. After graduating, I joined PQE Group in 2016, starting as a junior consultant in the life sciences sector. At PQE
Group, I had the privilege to work on a variety of projects in different geographical locations involving quality assurance and regulatory compliance for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Over the years, I’ve advanced to the role of Senior Manager, leading multiple teams across different clients in Commissioning, Qualification & Validation activities to ensure product safety and efficacy. I am currently based out of the land of opportunities in New Jersey. My education and professional experiences have equipped me with a unique blend of technical expertise and leadership skills, driving my commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in the life sciences industry and making sure I am doing whatever I can to help make a better world out there.

2. Can you share more about your specific role at PQE Group? What are your main goals in this role, and what’s your favorite part about your job?

At PQE Group, I hold the dual roles of Senior Project Manager and Senior Associate Partner in the life sciences sector. In a nutshell, as Senior Project Manager, I lead cross-functional teams to ensure that pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturing processes meet rigorous regulatory standards. I oversee the validation of complex manufacturing systems and processes, help our clients in remediation activities, and conduct risk assessments to ensure compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and regulatory guidelines from bodies like the FDA and EMA.

My main goals in this role are to enhance process efficiency, ensure product quality, and drive innovation through the adoption of advanced technologies such as continuous manufacturing and Quality by Design (QbD). I am dedicated to ensuring that our clients’ manufacturing processes are not only compliant but also optimized for efficiency and reliability.

In my capacity as Senior Associate Partner, I focus on business development and strategic growth. This involves expanding our services into new geographical areas, specifically the tristate area of New York. We are actually in the process of opening a new office in Jersey City where I will be leading a team of consultants working closely with our local clients to understand their needs and challenges, helping them improve their processes and achieve their business objectives. This aspect of my role includes identifying new business opportunities, building client relationships, and developing tailored solutions that drive client success.

3. Can you tell us more about why companies should consider partnering with PQE Group and what type of services you offer to your clients?

Partnering with PQE Group is like having a secret weapon in your corner – except, it’s not so secret because everyone knows about our stellar reputation in the life sciences industry. We’re not just your average consulting firm; we’re the squad you call when you need to navigate the regulatory maze with finesse and flair. With over two decades of experience, PQE Group has established itself as a global consulting firm that provides comprehensive, tailor-made solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our services cover a wide range of areas critical to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries. We are slowly but steadily expanding our roots in clinical operations, including the exploration of medical cannabis, as well.

In addition to compliance and validation, we provide expertise in GxP auditing, data integrity, and cybersecurity, helping clients safeguard their operations and maintain data reliability. Our consulting services extend to supply chain management, clinical compliance, and technology transfer, ensuring a seamless and efficient production process from development through commercialization.

Partnering with PQE Group means gaining a dedicated team of experts who are passionate about advancing the life sciences industry. We are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals, improve their processes, and deliver safe, high-quality products to the market. Our comprehensive services and client-centric approach make us a trusted partner for companies looking to navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance and operational excellence.

4. Consulting is becoming a popular career path, particularly for scientists and medical professionals. What, in your opinion, are the top skills needed to be successful in a life science-focused consulting role?

In my view, the top skills crucial for success in life science-focused consulting roles include a robust technical background in disciplines like biology or pharmaceuticals, facilitating a deep understanding of industry intricacies. Consultants must possess analytical proficiency to analyze complex data, coupled with the ability to derive actionable insights. Effective communication skills, both verbal and written, are indispensable for conveying technical concepts to diverse audiences and presenting findings convincingly to clients. Problem-solving abilities are paramount, demanding innovative thinking to address intricate challenges. Cultivating strong client relationships is imperative, requiring consultants to comprehend client needs, manage expectations, and deliver exceptional service. Proficiency in project management ensures efficient execution of tasks amid tight deadlines and multifaceted project scopes. Adaptability is essential, given the dynamic nature of the industry, requiring continuous learning and adjustment to emerging trends. Finally, upholding ethical integrity is paramount, fostering trust with clients, understanding that our work has a direct impact on patient safety and upholding professional standards in the ever-evolving landscape of life sciences consulting.

5. Now for the fun question – what is the best piece of advice that you’ve ever been given?

The best advice I got was to “not be too serious and have fun; life’s too short to be dull.” It means we shouldn’t take things too seriously and should try to enjoy life more. Even when things are tough, it’s good to keep a sense of humor and not let problems bring us down. Life is more exciting when we can laugh and have fun along the way.