5 Questions with Bradley Tippett, Ambassador of Buzz and Lead Specialist Client Quality, Catalent Pharma Solutions

November 27, 2023

This article is part of our 5 Questions With series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We love it because despite the consistent questioning, the answers are all unique. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think.

1. What did you want to be when you grow up? How’d you get from there to here? 

Growing up I wanted to be a doctor, specifically a surgeon. I shadowed some surgeries and went into college intending to head on to med school. But after getting the lab-work bug in college, I realized that was what I wanted to do more of.

I still have the “help people” bug that was driving me to be a doctor in the first place, so I decided to focus on the pharmaceutical/medicines industry as my career path. I ended up switching majors and after graduating, got a job with the NIH in their Vaccine Production Program. I worked in the analytical development department, developing potency assays for novel vaccine products for orphan diseases. I did that for 4 years and then during the COVID pandemic I got a job with Emergent in their Quality Assurance department. I worked for Emergent in several roles, including QA OTF, Raw Materials, and Batch Disposition. My most recent job is for Catalent Pharma Solutions in Client QA.

2. How are you helping to build a more connected community? 

BioBuzz’s mission is simple: to be more connected. Our regionally-focused storytelling, programs, events and experiences create, connect and amplify impact across the life science workforce in growing biohubs. We vibe with people who value community and connection like us. We’d love for you to share how you’re building a more connected community… and any support that you need from our community to continue to accomplish this mission. 

Bringing the industry together is an important facet of working in biotech. Small, startup-level firms, government entities, and large established producers all have their own strengths, weaknesses, and unique aspects of the industry.

While ‘trade secrets’ will always remain confidential, the industry as a whole is better off when people from all the different entities come together and share ideas, concepts, and just general connecting with each other. You never know when someone might have insights into a problem you have, or some way of thinking that never popped into your head.

I like to think of it as a car. We may not all be the CEO driving the car, but without the individual parts working in sync, the car won’t move, no matter how much the driver wants it to. We as the industry are the parts of the car, and anything we can do to connect, share ideas, and lift each other up is like an oil change and a new set of tires for the car. Everything will run better and smoother when all the parts are fresh.

Connecting can be as complicated as an industry conference showing off the latest and greatest with thousands of attendees, or as simple as connecting with a colleague in a different department within your current company just to get a new perspective. We all should strive to connect as much as possible, whether through a simple “Hi how are you” or going to one of those massive conferences.

At my job I like to break down the “siloing” of projects and data that so often occurs. When silos are commonplace, you end up spending more time trying to get the information out of the silo then actually using that data to make a decision. Once different teams start working collaboratively on a project, it is amazing the speed that projects can get done on. I feel like starting small, breaking down barriers within my places of work is the best way I can help the industry connect. Sometimes its that initial “break out of your shell” that leads to someone standing on stage at a conference sharing something they were keeping to themselves, spreading their ideas and helping out people they’ve never met before. Do that enough times, and there will be organic, sustained growth in connecting the industry and making it a better place for all to work!

3. What are currently buzzing about? Anything and everything…

  • My wife and I recently welcomed our second child, I love talking about him.
  • Getting into a new field! My job with Catalent is in the cell and gene therapy side of the industry, and learning about all the aspects of that is something I love. I’m the guy who will read all the technical process documents just because I’m fascinated by how things work and want to know.
  • The upcoming El Nino winter!- I love snow and the cold, so the exciting possibility of a very snowy winter has me pumped! Last year was such a letdown.
  • Whatever good new food I’ve tried recently. I’m a bit of a foodie and love trying new things!

4. If you could travel back in time – what early career advice would you give yourself?

Don’t be afraid to speak up. Even if you’re new, or don’t have a certain degree, or just aren’t sure, ask the question or voice your opinion. You’ll either get an answer/learn something new, or you’ll spark some new conversation around it. Either way it won’t be a bad thing.

5. FUN question. What does your favorite ice cream flavor/dish say about you? Feel free to swap out ice cream for another item!

My favorite ice cream dish is a classic hot fudge sundae. It’s a rich decadent dessert but you have to eat it quick before the fudge melts the ice cream. That’s me in a nutshell, steady and reliable but able to move quick and not get bogged down when the going gets tough.