5 Questions With David Karvani, Director, Device Development & Commercialization, Kymanox

December 5, 2023

This article is part of our 5 Questions With series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We love it because despite the consistent questioning, the answers are all unique. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think.

1. What did you want to be when you grow up? How’d you get from there to here? 

Following a three-year military service, my goal had always been to pursue a career in dentistry. I’ve always harbored a passion for designing and creating things, and I was keen on helping patients with dental issues. Recognizing the potential synergy between my interests and skills, I envisioned applying them in the field of orthodontics within dentistry. However, due to various reasons, dental school wasn’t a feasible path for me.

Instead, I opted to stay true to my goal of positively impacting patients’ lives and healthcare practices, albeit through the avenue of engineering. My initial role was in research and development, focusing on developing a medical device. From that point onward, I was certain that my professional trajectory would revolve around this intersection of engineering and healthcare.

2. How do you help to build or give back to the community?

BioBuzz’s mission is simple: to be more connected. Our regionally-focused storytelling, programs, events and experiences create, connect and amplify impact across the life science workforce in growing biohubs. We vibe with people who value community and connection like us. We’d love for you to share how you’re building a more connected community… and any support that you need from our community to continue to accomplish this mission.

I am committed to supporting youth and high school students who may be facing challenges in their academic journey or grappling with the daunting decision of choosing a college major. Recognizing the pivotal juncture that this period represents in shaping their future, I have actively engaged in mentorship programs aimed at providing guidance and encouragement. Through one-on-one interactions and workshops, I strive to help students identify their strengths, interests, and aspirations. By sharing my own (and short) experience and insights, I aim to simplify the college major selection process, offering practical advice and fostering a supportive environment for decision-making. Additionally, I am involved in initiatives that promote educational resources and opportunities, aiming to empower students to make informed choices about their academic and professional paths. Frequently, I leverage my LinkedIn network to facilitate connections between young individuals and professionals in their respective industries. This serves to offer valuable insights and address any inquiries or concerns that students may have. My goal is to inspire confidence and instill a sense of purpose in the younger generation, ultimately contributing to their academic success and future fulfillment. 

3. What are currently buzzing about? Anything and everything…

In reflecting on what’s currently buzzing in my professional sphere, I consider myself fortunate to have led the development of products that successfully entered the commercial market.

Moreover, my current role with Kymanox allows me to witness and support various emerging technologies developed by our clients. A decade ago, a former manager made a lasting impression with the words: “It’s not just about WHAT to deliver (in terms of drugs); it’s more about HOW to deliver it.” This statement serves as a constant reminder for me, emphasizing the importance of considering the end user in order to enhance the delivery of targeted medicine, prioritizing comfort, intuitiveness, and safety. A good example pertains to the delivery of large volume injections. Numerous companies are dedicated to addressing the challenge of single-use, large volume subcutaneous injections over a short period for self-administration. The emphasis is on creating solutions that are intuitive, simple, and pain-free for the patient. Looking ahead, I anticipate a surge in the development of device platforms equipped to handle large volume delivery through single-use injections in the coming years.

On a personal level, I’m deeply invested in improving as a father to my four young boys and cherishing these fleeting, precious moments. Navigating parenthood with a quartet of energetic boys presents its challenges, prompting me to apply core principles of effective management to their upbringing. Surprisingly, the lessons learned while raising my kids often offer valuable insights that I can leverage in my professional role as a manager.

4. If you could travel back in time – what early career advice would you give yourself?  

If given the opportunity to travel back in time, I would advise my younger self to venture beyond my comfort zone, particularly in the realm of R&D engineering. I would emphasize the importance of making intentional efforts to grasp the broader picture of the development process. This involves actively engaging with cross-functional teams to understand how each role contributes to the overall submission of medical devices or combination products. Additionally, I would encourage my younger self to cultivate confidence and trust in my instincts, especially when collaborating with colleagues holding higher degrees than mine. Recognizing the value of my unique perspective and skills would have been instrumental in fostering a more impactful and collaborative professional journey.

5. FUN question. What else would you do if you could travel back in time?

My close relationship with my grandparents, immigrants with no college education, was marked by their profound wisdom. They consistently played the role of mentors, imparting valuable life values and guidance. If I could go back in time, I would spend more time with my grandparents, absorbing their wealth of wisdom and guidance. We often don’t appreciate the little things in life as we take them for granted.