5 Questions with Joshua Taylor, Business Development Manager, BioIVT

Meet Joshua Taylor, Business Development Manager at BioIVT and our new Lead Takeover Ambassador for the Philadelphia LinkedIn Showcase Page! We’re excited to feature Josh in his second 5 Questions interview.

August 27, 2024

This article is part of our 5 Questions With series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We love it because despite the consistent questioning, the answers are all unique. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think.

1. Last time you shared how you got from there to here. Now, can you share what you want to be from here to there? What do you continue to aim for as you grow and evolve as a professional? 

At this point in my career, and life in general, I think it becomes less about “how can I better myself” and more about “how can I help other people succeed”. 

My path has taken me down a lot of different roads, and I’ve learned something from each of them. If I can teach that information to others, relay my experiences, and make life a bit easier for the people coming up behind me, I see that as a major accomplishment. 

2. How are you helping to build a more connected community?  

In this industry (and I would assume most others), so much can be gained by building a strong and diverse network of colleagues and friendships. 

My rolodex isn’t built around “this person can get me to XYZ”, but around genuine connections with individuals who I want to see succeed as much as I want my own success. 

My involvement with BioBuzz helps to further strengthen this network, engaging with people at all levels of the industry, building relationships, and allowing me to present myself as a helpful resource to those who need it. 

And finally, I want to make sure that people around me have a chance to step away from the work stuff and have a bit of fun!

3. What are you currently buzzing about? Anything and everything…   


In my current role I spend a lot of time on the road visiting clients across Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan. I’ve had a chance to really expand my social circle, and I’ve managed to have some really awesome dining experiences in unexpected places. 

Also, my husband and I just booked a two week trip to Australia in early-2025. It’s something that we’ve had on the ToDo List for well over a decade, and we’re finally making it happen! 

4. If you could travel back in time – what early career advice would you give yourself?  

I pulled together the list below with my last “5 Questions” entry, and they all still ring true to me. But I think maybe I’ll add one more entry…

  • Continue learning. Even on the topics that you don’t find particularly interesting. You never know when they might come in handy.
  • If someone is taking the time out of their day to offer you some assistance, accept it. It can be incredibly difficult to admit that you need help, and sometimes you get so deep in the weeds that you don’t even realize you’re in trouble.
  • Keep track of your contacts. Your lunch friends from college could be doing incredible things today.
  • Be okay with being uncomfortable. Try new foods. Travel to new places. Meet new people. Ask dumb questions.
  • It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s not okay to try and cover them up. Somebody always finds out.
  • Don’t forget to chill out and have a little fun. Life is too serious to be taken so seriously.
  • Prepare to be flexible! We’re in an industry that’s ever changing, and sometimes you’re going to have to pivot at a moment’s notice.

5. FUN question. If you were an animal, which animal would you be? 

I’d love to be able to tell you that I’m something powerful and majestic like a jaguar. Or sturdy and stoic like an elephant. 

But honestly, I think I’m probably just a house cat… (and I’m a dog person!)

I mostly stay indoors. Occasionally knock things off of shelves. Friendly, but able to quickly remove myself from a scenario when I’ve hit my social threshold.

Yeah, I think that sounds right.

Want to know more about Josh? Read his first 5 Questions here.