5 Questions with Gerald Daneshvar, Director of Business Development, NeurTx

Gerald directs business development for a Rockville-based company out of Weinberg Medical Physics. The mission is to develop Multifocal image-guided Neuromodulation Therapy (MiNT) to treat brain diseases.

June 27, 2024

This article is part of our 5 Questions With series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We love it because despite the consistent questioning, the answers are all unique. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think.

1. What did you want to be when you grow up? How’d you get from there to here?

 I am a 3rd generation physician – my father and grandfather practiced medicine and served as my role models. I trained in Internal Medicine and Anesthesiology, and practiced medicine for several years. One day, driving by an Octapharma plasma manufacturing center, I took a tour to see what they were doing – I was stunned to see so many patients donating plasma to create medications from human proteins. It felt in many ways like visiting Wonka’s chocolate factory!

Years later, during the Covid pandemic, I joined a PCR lab with the help of BioBuzz and transitioned into the startup’s Gene Therapy clinical trial, where human T-cells were modified with viral vectors to create cures. It was awe inspiring to be part of a mission that visionary.

Last but not least, I met a local accelerator, Weinberg Medical Physics, where I saw medical devices being launched to diagnose diseases and even treat the brain without medications. I felt at home, as my father is an inventor and my brother is an intellectual property attorney in Silicon Valley.

During my career, I have morphed from a physician who went from treating patients to one working on cures. I currently work with entrepreneurs on a breast cancer ultrasound device, support a cutting-edge cancer diagnostics project, and am championing the great med devices coming out of Weinberg Medical Physics.

2. How are you helping to build a more connected community?

I work with the Costello College of Business at George Mason University, where I teach entrepreneurship and starting a business. I volunteer as a mentor for students and refugees, and participate in Pitch events at GMU and JHU.

This year, my team won a prize at the annual startup competition and it was exhilarating to see my students compete at the highest level and win!

Entrepreneurs work incredibly hard to solve the world’s problems, and I love being part of the community of doers and dreamers.

3. What do you love about the field or the job that you are working in?

Working alongside creative scientists like Irving Weinberg, I am exposed to local people who have successfully launched products that have disrupted industries! For example, Bijan Tadayon out of Potomac is a visual AI pioneer who has worked with the US Air Force on drone vision. Professor Howard Newton from Georgetown University is a global expert in Brain-Computer Interface (and also has amazing Transformer statues at his office!) And my friend Shristi Singh from George Mason University co-founded a company building better contrast agents for medical imaging.

Here, in the tri-state area, companies exist that are changing the world.

4. Do you have a montra or philosophy that you live by? What is it and how has it helped you in life / career?

Your network is your net worth. The more people you meet, the more you can collaborate and synergize. When I moved to the DC area during the Covid pandemic, the first person I met was Chris Frew at an event – I worked with his team on improving my resume, and obtained a position within a week! To this day, we remain friends and work together to support the life sciences community here.

I also attended a meeting in Georgetown as part of the DCA-Live event series, and met attorney David Sanders from Foley & Larner. In addition to becoming my friend, David has been a huge support to the the startup community. 

It’s not enough to have talent or a doctorate, you have to be part of a community where you get and provide help!

5. What’s on your bucket list?

I am excited about helping launch NeurTx, a medical device to treat brain diseases, with my friends Ari Tuchman and Irving Weinberg. I also am honored to work with iSonoHealth in building the world’s first AI-assisted automated breast ultrasound. I’d love for my legacy to be that I helped create tools for the next generations of physicians to use against disease.