5 Questions with Saagar Patel, Principal Device Engineer, Kymanox

Saagar Patel, Principal Device Engineer at Kymanox, shares insights on his career journey, community involvement, and the technological advancements that excite him.

July 10, 2024

This article is part of our 5 Questions With series, one of our ongoing People & Places Features. We love it because despite the consistent questioning, the answers are all unique. Be sure to FOLLOW us on LinkedIn to tell us what you think.

1. What did you want to be when you grow up? How’d you get from there to here?

Growing up, I actually wanted to be an architect. Don’t really know where that came from, but I remember drawing pictures of houses. I took an autocad class in high school and did not enjoy it as much as I thought. After that, I began to enjoy my physics classes more and thought about pursuing a career in engineering. I took a medtech class my senior year and that really solidified my desire to go into biomedical engineering. 

My journey into the field began at the University of Michigan, where I pursued a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. This degree provided me with a strong foundation in engineering principles and problem-solving skills. Eager to delve deeper into the biomedical aspects, I continued my education at Michigan with a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering.

Following my studies, I embarked on a career that has spanned over 15 years in medical device design and development. I’ve had the privilege of working at a variety of different companies. Each location has taught me something different about the product development process. Now, as a Principal Device Engineer at Kymanox, I am responsible for executing development activities for combination products and medical devices, ensuring adherence to FDA and ISO requirements.

Reflecting on my journey, I am grateful for every part of it. The friends that I have made and experiences that I have gained make me appreciate my career and keep me excited for the years ahead.

2. How are you helping to build a more connected community?

I have two young daughters which really helps me get my foot in the door for our local community. My oldest is 6, so that has given me the opportunity to coach her soccer team and get involved in the PTA and the local library. I have been able to meet many other young parents, and just by getting to know them, I feel much more connected to our local community.

3. What are currently buzzing about? Anything and everything…

I would say in general the speed of our technology advancements has me buzzing. We recently bought an EV and have been very impressed with how easily it replaced our traditional ICE vehicle. My wife and I are also using AI to help our day-to-day lives. We recently traveled to Spain, and we were able to use Chat GPT to help us plan a 12-day trip with some pretty basic prompts. I am always looking for new ways to use it at home and have been very impressed with the results I’ve gotten. It continues to amaze me how quickly these innovations come through and how much they can positively impact our daily lives.

4. If you could travel back in time – what early career advice would you give yourself?

I would tell my younger self that, The day you graduate is just a milestone in your educational journey.” Since graduating, I have realized that learning is continuous. I have learned so much related to my chosen career, and being at a place like Kymanox, I feel like I am learning something new every day.

5. Would you rather have the best sleep every night or the best food everyday? 

I would personally go with the best sleep every night. Being a parent of young kids has made sleep tough the past few years, so if I can guarantee the best sleep every night, I would definitely take it.