Weekly Quick Hits (BHCR) – Week of October 23, 2023

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It was a big week for the research community in the BioHealth Capital Region, with the White House and U.S. Department of Commerce designating Baltimore as one of 31 tech hubs nationally, out of 400 applicants. BioBuzz is proud to be part of the Baltimore Tech Hub, now moving into Phase 2 of the process, where between five and 10 of the Tech Hubs will receive a grant of between $50 million and $70 million each. Richmond also was named a Tech Hub to specialize in affordable drug development, and a southwest Virginia group gained funding through the program for its work on advanced manufacturing and materials. BioBuzz will be instrumental in linking talent to funded research and growing companies in a way that visibly tracks impact across the BHCR.

Weekly Quick Hits (BioHealth Capital Region) – Week of October 16, 2023

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The leaves are changing, however slowly, and the Oktoberfest vibes were warm at our event Thursday night at Brookeville Beer Farm. Thanks to everyone who came to chat, build, snack and sip–including many from this week’s companies in the news!

Weekly Quick Hits (BHCR) – Week of October 9, 2023

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Maryland Gov. Wes Moore this week advocated for the direct linkage of policy to economic activity in a fireside chat on the life sciences at the University of Maryland BioPark. He pointed to asset identification and specific investment decisions that lead to local victories and industrial leadership–that’s the exact goal of the BMoreBio initiative. As Gov. Moore observed, the “peanut butter politics,” of spreading money around evenly will not make Maryland, or the broader BioHealth Capital Region, win. In Virginia, Sen. Mark Warner highlighted the strength of regional companies that innovate at the junction between federally-identified large-scale needs and innovation that drives biotech company growth. That focus on unique regional strengths is our focus every week at BioBuzz. 

As a final and related note, the Maryland Manufacturing 4.0 Grant Application deadline is Wednesday, October 18! Life science companies are strongly encouraged to apply. More here.

Weekly Quick Hits (BHCR) – Week of September 25, 2023

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At BioBuzz, community is at the very heart of who we are as a company, and as people, and the Baltimore community is particularly part of who we are because it’s our home. This week we want to celebrate the spirit of Pava LaPere, a Baltimore community leader and Tech CEO who we lost from our community this past week. We want to honor what she lived for because she was a beacon of good in the world. She lived to build, explore, and inspire others – which she did. She believed in the power of community and ecosystems to do good. She was on a mission to help ecosystems flourish by being more open and more equitable – which she was accomplishing through her company, EcoMap. Our team knew Pava’s smile and her unparalleled capacity for sharing information and inspiration in equal doses, and we’ll honor her with our work and carry her spirit of community forward as best we can.

Weekly Quick Hits (BHCR) – Week of September 18, 2023

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We’re making news lately, with Baltimore TV channels coming to our City Garage HQ during the job fair BioBuzz held in collaboration with laid-off Emergent BioSolutions workers. We also heard poignant news from our friends at UpSurge, reminding us that our community of innovators are people first, many of whom are motivated by personal or family health issues that drive them to improve patient care and quality of life.

Weekly Quick Hits (BHCR) – Week of September 11, 2023

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Baltimore shot to the top of the charts of a new national ranking of underdog life science hubs this week, showing the country what regional ecosystem members already know–that the life science community is coalescing and growing in amplified, shared value. The regional ripple effect continues, with activity from the D.C. sphere and out to Frederick joining multiple public and private institutions in active collaborations. As innovation activity and regulatory stimuli come from places like Johns Hopkins and CDC, researchers and business leaders are teaming up to expedite delivery of leading solutions to patients, not least with a new wave of COVID vaccines.

Weekly Quick Hits (BHCR) – Week of August 28, 2023

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This past week saw companies in the region making news for big federal funding to explore the link between addiction and decision-making, while other researchers helped wrap up a major genetic breakthrough that will inform the future of life science worldwide. Companies and funders also announced more funding and progress toward the marketplace. Happy Labor Day!